
The Council is committed to the wellbeing of all Staff employees. Each representative is directly responsible for reporting items of interest to all members of his/her job group.

Council activities have included the following:

All-Employee Expo – The Council and Illinois Human Resources sponsor, organize, and host an All Employee Expo to give employees current information on products, services, and benefits.

Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award (CSEA) – The Council originated the idea to honor exceptional staff employees. A member of the Council sits on the board for this prestigious program.

Long-Time Service Awards – The Council recommended new service awards to honor employees with 15 or more years of service in 5-year increments.

Policy and Rules Revision – The Council formed a subcommittee to recommend changes to University Administration concerning revision of Policy and Rules for Staff Employees.

Shared Benefits Program – A Council member sits on the board making recommendations about changes to the program that would be beneficial to staff employees.

Parking Committee – The Council was successful in getting parking increases delayed for a period of time and recommended a sliding increase implementation.